day 1 // friday jan. 12
Wade and I slept a full 10 hours the first night. We woke up still pretty tired but an AIB orientation all morning, then lunch at the outdoor market in one of the many town squares. We split currywurst and pommes before taking a walking tour around the area.
Europe in general is so rich culturally and visually. I love to see all of the old mixed with the new. Plus, the textures and colors make this designer gal very happy.
day 2 // saturday jan 13th
Jet lag, it's a real thing. I had no trouble going to sleep, but then woke at 3:30am was ready to go. Finally forced myself to go back to sleep after a few episodes of The Crown.
We had a scheduled AIB excursion today with all 4 programs (including students from LMU, Penn State and bio science students from A&M, too). We did a scavenger hunt of sorts along the river at Rheinaue Park. It was a cool (and cold!) way for the group to see more of the city and learn more about the history. After an afternoon exploring we had a dinner back at school for all students and host families